Thursday, April 29, 2010

iTunes gives the error Quicktime was not found on 64 bit Windows

Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\QTSystem and copy QTCF.dll to C:\Windows\SysWOW64


Chris said...

You are a genius. I have been trying to fix this problem all night. No forum was really helpful, but this gave me the chance to fix it in under 2 minutes.

Anonymous said...

Yes it's work

Tanks man

hüseyin dem... said...

to solve this problem just go to the
environmental variables->system path->and give the exact installation directory C:\Program Files\QuickTime .

Unknown said...

Wonderful fixed my iTunes problem for iTunes on WIN 7 Pro x64.

Devdatta said...

solved the problem in a minute
Thanks :)

Anonymous said...

Solved my problem on windows 7 professional 64 bit.

Anonymous said...

I had a similar problem on Windows 7 x64. Here's what I did to fix it.

- Uninstall iTunes, Quicktime, etc. according to Apple.

- Download (don't run) the iTunes installer package from apple.

- Find the installer package, right-click on it, and select Run as Administrator.

The problem I had, apparently, had to do with the permissions used during install. Running the installer under Administrator privileges fixed my problem.

Anonymous said...

I posted the above comment and by chance this actually didn't solve my problem, but appeared to...until I got home. This Apple discussion thread did actually solve my problem:

Anonymous said...

Thank you so very much,

Solved the problem to which I had no solution.

Anonymous said...

You are a legend. Thanks so much

Unknown said...

Thank You so much!! i've been trying for days. Your solution is simple and most importantly: works! Apple should put this in their support.

Anonymous said...

Thank you - finally, an answer! I had tried reinstalling per Apple's instructions, but no lasting joy. Thank you!

Chris J. said...

unbelievable! i've been messing with this for months, and it worked. NOTE: my system folder was C:\Windows\System32 and pasting the qtcf.dll file worked perfectly! THANK YOU!

Anonymous said...

Thank you.

Hoazl said...

Thank you so very much! You are my hero of the day :)

tilemovic said...

POW!!!. IT's works well!!.. Thanks no lie!.. try it!.

Ci said...

I uninstalled and reinstalled only to have this happen again. I found that my environment variable path was pointing at "c:\Program Files (x86)\Quicktime\QTSystem\". I deleted "\QTSystem\" from the end and it worked fine.

Right click My Computer -> Properties -> Advanced System Settings -> Advanced -> Environment Variables. Scroll down to PATH and hit edit to change it.